Video Recording and Photography Policy





Video Recording and Photography Policy 


Video Recording for Educational Purposes

  1. Video recordings used for educational purposes may not be used punitively and should not be used for disciplinary purposes. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)-related media policies are addressed in the university’s online FERPA training module, provided through its online learning platform, Edge Learning. 
  2. It is the responsibility of the instructor to notify learners prior to the simulation that they will be recorded. 
  3. All requested video recording will be confirmed and coordinated during the planning process with the ASTEC POC and will be reviewed at the WOM. Three options for video recording exist at ASTEC:
  4. The instructor is not requesting copies of the recorded activity.
    1. In these instances, the simulation is viewed live through LearningSpace, but is not recorded and is not saved in LearningSpace or the ASTEC UA Box. No recording is available after the event. 
  5. The instructor requests recording for debriefing purposes only
    1. In these instances, the simulation is recorded using LearningSpace. The recording is available for use during the debriefing immediately following the simulation. At the conclusion of the activity, the recording is deleted from LearningSpace and is not saved in the ASTEC UA Box. 
    2. During the pre-brief/orientation, it is the responsibility of the instructor to notify learners of recording for the purposes of debriefing only. 
    3. It is the responsibility of the ASTEC POC to immediately delete the recording at the end of the completed simulation activity. 
  6. The instructor requests to keep a copy of the recording for educational purposes
    1. In these instances, requests for the recording must be submitted to the ASTEC POC via email prior to the event, during the planning process. When this email is received, the ASTEC POC will respond with a copy of the following policies: XX Video Recording for Educational Purposes, XX Video Storage and Retention
    2. The ASTEC POC will notify the ASTEC LearningSpace Administrator that a simulation activity will need to be recorded. The ASTEC LearningSpace Administrator will configure LearningSpace, if necessary, and create a corresponding folder within the ASTEC UA Box (See section XXXX below).
    3. During the pre-brief/orientation, it is the responsibility of the instructor to notify learners of recording for educational purposes as well as the reason for maintaining a video record of their performance (See also Assessment Section XXXXX). 

Photographs and Videos for Non-educational Purposes

  1. In some instances, ASTEC will photograph or record a simulation activity for needs not related to simulation-based education (e.g. reporting documents, conferences) In these instances, the ASTEC POC will do the following:
    1. Obtain prior approval from the primary instructor for the simulation activity.
    2. Post a notice of photography/filming poster (see appendix XXXX) at the training location entrance. 
    3. Verbally notify all learners during the pre-briefing/orientation for the simulation activity.
      1. If a learner or instructor does not consent to have their image used, they may notify the ASTEC POC or instructor. 
      2. In this instance, the ASTEC POC is responsible for ensuring the learner is not included in any photographs or videos. The ASTEC POC will review photographs or video to confirm the non-consenting individual was not captured. If their likeness is captured, the ASTEC POC is responsible for permanently deleting the file. 
  2. When photography and video recording is coordinated by UAHS Communications for social media and/or marketing purposes, a signed UArizona Authorization for Distribution of Media Form is required from each participant, found here: In this instance, the UAHS Communications team will provide and collect consent forms from instructors and learners.
    1. Additional university media policies can be found on the Marketing and Communications Department website:
    2. Photography and video used for research will adhere to the guidelines stated in the respective approved IRB consent form.