Artificially Intelligent Analysis of Interprofessional Team Interactions





Artificially Intelligent Analysis of Interprofessional Team Interactions


In general, interprofessional education and processing covers 5 general areas of expertise; communication, assignment of jobs or tasks, leadership, mutual respect for team members and their contributions, and situational awareness.  This program is designed to improve teamwork and communication between members of interdisciplinary teams as they confront a wide range of clinical and non-clinical challenges. Interactions between members of the team are scored in real-time with respect to criteria established in the 5 major skillset area. 

By utilizing AI as a tool for continuous improvement, the Artificially Intelligent Analysis of Interprofessional Team Interactions will enhance team performance assessments and facilitate skill development in healthcare teams. 

AIAITI uses the TeamSTEPPS validated approach developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality to score learners team and leadership skills in the following areas:

  1. Communication
  2. Assignments
  3. Leadership
  4. Mutual respect
  5. Situational awareness