ASTEC User Agreement





ASTEC User Agreement




The Arizona Simulation Technology & Education Center (ASTEC) assumes that participants are intelligent and capable, care about doing their best, and want to improve*.  Participation at ASTEC means agreement to:

  1. Maintaining the confidentiality of team members’ and personal performances, scenario and activity details, and debriefing discussions. 
  2. Contributing to a safe environment in which participants can fully engage without fear of retribution or embarrassment.
  3. Exhibiting professional and academic integrity by treating participants, equipment, and the facility with respect. 
  4. Understanding that activities may be photographed/recorded for educational purposes. 
  5. Recognizing that photographs are occasionally used in public-facing content and to notify staff of the desire to be excluded from such media during the consenting process.

As a participant, I have read, understand, and agree to the above statements.

*Adapted from the Basic Assumption created by the Center for Medical Simulation.