Modelmaking Video Library

Modelmaking at ASTEC

The maker space is a dynamic creative space where ASTEC collaborates with healthcare providers, industry partners, and faculty researchers. We design, create, and replicate patient-specific human and animal anatomy that can be used with real medical devices for simulation training.

Surgical models using pig enzyme ballistic gel, including ectopic pregnancy, gastric bypass, bifurcation of a common carotid, and extracranial-intracranial bypass procedures.

Mass production of silicone-based IV task trainers that allow for latex tubing for use with large groups.

Interosseasous access task trainer using embedded bones that allow for fluid management.

Early model of an IV task trainer for use with large groups or with a patient simulator using disposable pig enzyme ballistic gel. 

Ultrasound guided task trainer with 3D printed housing for mass production using synthetic ballistic gel. 

Ultrasound guided task trainer for large training groups using a combination of ballistic gel and silicone with a heart system allowing for fluid access. 

Ultrasound guided peritonsillar abscess model using pig enzyme ballistic gel and an old airway management traing headskin for use with large groups. 

Ultrasound guided task trainer using pig enzyme ballistic gel with an embedded kidney system that allows for the visualization and removal of kidney stones. 

Advanced moulage techniques that include various bleeding effects.

Mass production of abscess training pads with a realistic oozing effect for a drain loop procedure.

Advanced multi-layered modeling incorporating fluids for use as a standalone task trainer or incorporated with an adult patient simulator. 

Surgical Task Trainer made from 3D-printed silicone, and ballistic gel materials for performing full discectomy of the L5.

Cardiothoracic procedural trainer that can be used during or after robotic surgery. 

Early prototyping of a bleeding pad using a tube system for blood flow. 

Bleeding pads using a foam-based system for better performance and fidelity. 

Foam-based bleeding pad that allows for mass production of multi-layered modeling.

Training system using advanced bleeding pad, 3D-printed patient specific specific trachea and assembly for performing emergent cricothyrotomy. 

An all-in-one 3D-printed umbilical venus catheterization task trainer with its own contained reservoir for larger groups. 

Laceration suture pad designed with clay by Allam Hamilton, MD, FACS, CAD-rendered, and 3D-printed as a mold for mass production. 

Augmented reality guidance system to reinforce proper technique when practicing interrupted suturing.  

Sinus surgery training system using patient specific models, silicone features, and replication of surgical instrumentation, all synced with a 3D immersive environment. 

Development of a "tubulator" using a modified lathe to make tubing of various sizes for bowel and vessels. 

A system for use with a pediatric patient simulator to conduct an ECMO procedure with actual blood flow and any necessary transport. 

Extended reality decision making module utilizing an off-the-shelf airway management trainer, synchronized with a virtual clinical environment intubation competency assessment tool using a sensor equipped video-laryngoscope. 

Early model for performing chest tube procedures that can be inserted inside the chest skin of any adult patient simulator for better fidelity during scenarios. 

Replacement skin for an in-house chest tube procedure task trainer.

Multi-layered, all-inclusive replacement skin that includes bones, blood, pleura, and skin to secure sutures for ches tube training.