Artificially Intelligent Tool for Creation of Case Scenarios

This AI program creates an entire clinical scenario built around either a particular patient or clinical problem. The end points for the case scenario creation are derived from an objective set of parameters, such as the USMLE, shelf examinations, or class materials and test evaluations. During the course of the scenario, patient history is provided and the scenario will adjust for individual students based on their knowledge and level of education. The scenario will include prompts to assist the faculty in ensuring that the debriefing covers the salient points. The software will also produce both a pre- and post-test to assess the efficacy of learning during the course of the case scenario. The case scenario must be understood as more than a story. It provides the context in which patient, their medical problem, and the social framework around their illness is understood. In this way, the scenario allows us to create a unique individual with unique parameters and responses. This can then be fed back into the bot to provide the appropriate conversation and inputs during the medical interview.
AI can be used to provide the patient with unique personality characteristics that also represent real world challenges when taking care of patients from diverse backgrounds. The Artificially Intelligent Tool for Creation of Case Scenarios, which is undergoing alpha and beta testing, is being evaluated to provide mechanisms for cultural sensitivity, English as a second language, and other issues and barriers which may interfere with the straightforward collection of a medical history.

Image created using Dall-E.
- CXR taken.
- Prompt: Results available soon (takes time to be read). Chest x-ray findings: significant bilateral pulmonary edema.
- Prompt: At this point, someone puts the patient on supplementary oxygen. Start with O2 mask with 6L O2 per minute. Sats will fail to improve even after 5 minutes.
- Prompt: Meantime, CXR back: (see CXR): diffuse pulmonary edema.
- Prompt: Decision is made to intubate (anesthetic first and then paralytic).
- As pre-oxygenating patient, the respiratory therapist notes pink frothy secretions in mouth. Intubate: high O2 and PEEP. Sent to ICU. Because he is so somnolent, elect to get CT scan (see picture; findings in caption).
- Prompt: CT scan can be nonspecific but in light of swelling and slit-like vents, MRI scan is indicated (see picture; findings in caption).
- This failure of sats to immediately improve with administration of oxygen is because carbon monoxide is so tightly bound to hemoglobin that the oxygen molecule can only displace the carbon monoxide molecule very slowly over hours to days.

Image created using Dall-E.